Great Library

Phoenix in History

The scrolls herein contain not only the history of Elanthia as passed down through the ages, but the place the great House of the Rising Phoenix has held throughout that history.

VI. B. 1. Those who would not be Swayed

There were those who were not blind to the Unlife's presence in Elanthia. Many centuries had passed, but the scars of Despana's destruction had not gone away entirely. One such case was a woman by the name of Wisraith Winterwind, born in the Jungles near the Southron Waste she knew full well the power of the Unlife and the undead that it had created.

While traveling she came upon some small settlements near Darkstone Bay and a woman by the name of Kasel was speaking out about the growing suspicion of the Unlife and the Organization known as the Circle of Light.

It was widely believed that the newer residents that were flocking to the area were being duped into serving the Unlife without any realization of what they were doing. There were some who chose no side, but were engulfed in the conflict anyways, yet two sides began to form and lines were drawn.

The arguement between the two disagreeing factions grew heated several times, but hadnt resulted in any casulties early on. The citizens held local discussions and planned what to do about it. Wisraith Winterwind, Lythe L'Green, FxG Lyons, Riverwind Entreri and Eillie became prevalent speakers and began to set themselves apart on the opposing side.

The Council of Light offered powers to any who would serve them by offering up items and skins to further some obscure purposes. These powers while mild at first become truly staggering in scope as one gained seniority in the organization. However, the cost for these powers also grows leading to loss of one’s health, essence, and their spirit itself. The final aspect of advancement was the tainting of their very souls, thus corrupting them into Darkness. This affected many members of the Council and they began attempting to leave. It was then a revelation by the leader of the Organization known as the Grand Poobah sent out dark assasins to slay those who would disobey him. If that failed the demonic itself came for them.

"It is my hope that Knowledge will open the eyes of some of you to make a more informed choice on how to proceed, and I wish you all luck no matter what path you decide to follow. I am making my preperations to face the Dark Assassins now and even if they do get me I shall die with my soul at peace and with a word of defiance on my lips!"

-History Tomes, Phoenix Library
Courage, Lord Fxg Lyon

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VI. B. 2. Lythe L'Green's Agenda

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