House of the Rising Phoenix - Charter

This is a historical document containting the charter our House was founded under. Please see the Bylaws for current governance standards.

Item 1605079

Sub: House of the Rising Phoenix

Hello everyone!

I still have not received acknowledgement of my intention to form our house from the government. This will come soon, I would hope. In the meantime, we have to elect a new Secretary. I regret to inform you all that Fxg has resigned from the office and, for now at least, from the House. I hope that situations in GS will improve enough that he can feel able to return. At any rate, please send me nominations for the office by 9:30 pm EST tomorrow so I can get a ballot out to you.

I have also attached the latest revision in the Petition. As before, I welcome and encourage all suggestions and comments. The ones I have gotten so far have definitely improved the Petition, thanks!

Brave hearts, everyone.

This document constitutes the Petition for Acceptance of the House of the Rising Phoenix into the Cooperative of Houses of Kulthea as per the guidelines set forward in the Tomes of Kulthea. It includes the names of the Officers, a Statement of Purpose, a Statement of Governing, and the Bylaws under which the House of the Rising Phoenix shall operate.


  • House Chairman: Wisraith Winterwind
  • House Treasurer: Riverwind Entreri
  • House Secretary:


The House of the Rising Phoenix is established for the purposes of:

  1. Preventing the furtherance of the goals of the Unlife,
  2. Education of others in the promotion of Truth and
  3. Organizing those devoted to such goals for their mutual assistance and camaraderie.


The House of the Rising Phoenix shall be governed in a democratic manner. Decisions will be made by a vote of the majority with the House Chairman breaking all ties. The House Chairman has the authority to veto any decision. This veto may be overturned by a 2/3 majority of the members. The House Chairman will control the agenda for issues to be brought before a vote.

The Officers will hold limited terms of office and will be elected every quarter year by the membership of the House. No limit will be established on the number of terms a member may hold his or her office. No member may hold more than one office but may hold any office if duly elected for that term.

The job description of each office shall be detailed in a separate document which will be available to all members upon request.


Membership Requirements/Procedures

  1. Prospective members will not be affiliated with an cult, organization or society which seeks to further the goals of the Unlife. That is they will have never joined or will have resigned from such before application of membership will be considered. A list of entities determined by the membership of the House to be seeking to further the goals of the Unlife will be available to any prospective member apon request.
  2. Prospective members will have attained at least their eighth level of experience before application of member-ship will be considered.
  3. Prospective members must find an active member to sponsor his/her application to the House and then will submit, in writing (via Email), his or her desire and intention to seek membership in the House of the Rising Phoenix to the House Chairman and to the House Secretary.

    This submission will be acknowledged by the House Chairman within 3 days of receipt.

  4. A vote of the membership requiring at least a two-to-one majority will determine acceptance of the prospective member. The House Chairman will send a letter to each member asking for their vote of approval or disapproval of acceptance of the applicant. Each member will have three days to respond to the House Chairman with his or her vote. The prospective member will be notified by the House Chairman of the results of the vote within seven days of acknowledgement of receipt of the application.
  5. Prior to initiation, the prospective member will submit, in writing (via Email) acknowledgment that he or she has read and understands the charter of the House of the Rising Phoenix as well as all of the House Documentation located in the Tomes of Kulthea.
  6. At the time of initiation, the prospective member shall have in his or her possession the sum of 20,000 silvers to be offered as the Initiation fee for the House.

Membership Services Provided

As soon as the house is fully established, the following services will be provided by the House of the Rising Phoenix to its members:

  1. The registered coat of arms for the House of the Rising Phoenix will be available.
  2. A storage facility which shall provide each member with personal item storage will be available.
  3. Loans will be made available to members in accordance with the requirements detailed in the House Documentation located in the Tomes of Kulthea and at the discretion of the House Treasurer. A surcharge of 5% of the loan will be required before the loan is granted. This surcharge will be placed in the House Endowment.
  4. Acceptance into the House of the Rising Phoenix includes acceptance of the dispute resolution system as detailed in the House Documentation located in the Tomes of Kulthea.
  5. Members in need shall receive the protection of the House and its members. However, this shall not interfere with or replace the dispute resolution system as described above.

Membership Rules & Regulations

These Rules and Regulations shall apply equally to all members of the House, including all officers.

  1. Members of the House of the Rising Phoenix may not join any cult, organization or society which seeks to further the goals of the Unlife, nor may a House member knowingly assist a member of such an entity advance in rank.

    Should a member of the House be found to have violated this law, he or she will be expelled from the House.

    Should such a violator be an officer of the House, an immediate election will be held to fill the office.

  2. Members of the House of the Rising Phoenix may not engage in violence against another member of the House. This includes physical attack, slander and robbery.

    All disputes will be settled according to the dispute resolution system described above.

  3. Non-roleplaying racial, gender or minority discrimination shall not be tolerated in any way whatsoever. Violators will face immediate expulsion and referral to Simutronics for action.
  4. If a member of the House requires assistance, each member will endeavor to assist him or her, or assure that the member in need is being adequately assisted.
  5. House policies and finances should not be discussed openly except in the restricted areas of the House.
  6. Monthly dues of 5,000 silvers will be paid by the first of every month, unless previous arrangements have been made, in writing, with the Treasurer and the Chairman.
  7. Guests are allowed into the House on the ground level only. All other levels are off limits to visitors.

Failure to comply with these Rules and Regulations may result in sanctions from censure to expulsion, according to the severity or frequency of the infraction.

Operational Bylaws

  1. In the event that the Chairman must be absent for a period over a week, either the treasurer or the Secretary shall be vested with the Chairman's position until such time as he/she returns, at which time the position of Chairman will be relinquished back to the elected official.

    Should the Treasurer or Secretary be absent for over a week, or is temporarily filling the Chairman's office, another member will be selected to temporarily fill that office.

  2. All policy decisions shall be made by a vote from the membership, except in those cases where a decision is required in haste or emergency. In such a case, two of three officers (at minimum)are empowered to make policy decisions in the interest of and to benefit the House, subject to later ratification by the membership. After such a decision has been made, all members will receive a written description of the decision and the rationale for it.
  3. The House of the Rising Phoenix will vote at to determine if a cult, organization or society seeks to further the goals of the Unlife. A list of such entities will be available to all members upon request.
  4. These bylaws are subject to change, either by addition, subtraction or modification only by a 4/5 majority vote of the members.