We're glad to announce the full opening of the House of the Rising Phoenix website. A special mention to Mirarte for maintaining the most recent one, Lauraellen for the first one I can remember, and all those before and after us. This has allowed us to pool all the information together again to present everything. The reasoning for the new website was primarily that Mirarte's service provider lost her data and she wasn't able to spend as much time. Again thanks much to Mirarte. Our thoughts and thanks go out to her. Evialla is the primary Webmaster at this location. All the rest of us are just content providers. :)
Our goal of the website is not to provide information that you can join our House and this is what we're about, while we do provide that information, the hope and overall goal is to provide a community location for members of the House to come and communicate, share stories, and get assistance. Our motivation in adding to the site will be in hopes of attaining that goal by providing tools to encourage and facilitate that relationship.
I have long felt that within Elanthia the House of the Rising Phoenix had such a rich fantasy iconography. Phoenix is both a legendary symbol and a living spirit. As a gaming scenario it has always been one of the richest backgrounds from a lore standpoint in Gemstone IV, in my opinion. You have all sorts of good vs. evil situations and heroic figures who have been members of our Household to reinforce that. We've also showed humility, compassion, and personal loss with Lythe's Folly. I could probably write an article on this alone, but the rich images that are conjured whenever I think of the total picture that is our House it's always been inspiring as a player and grounding as a roleplaying perspective.
Now, we need your help. You can be RP lite or a hardcore roleplayer, you may only be interested in mechanics, or being a merchant, it doesn't matter and we're built for all those types of players, but we want to hear from all of you. Please drop by and register for the forums, drop us an email, anything to show us that you *Hear* us, and know we are here. The House Roster is on the site here, on the forums, and we will post data for all those active through the doors in the past 60 days as a way to shoutout who is active day to day. If you are leaning towards ignoring this call, I'd make a personal request that you find another House. There isn't any pressure on anyone, but if you are that disinterested in the community there are more fitting places to go in Elanthia.
We also need your input. My top request is that people submit in-game logs of recent events, those are always some of the best ways to take the pulse of the world we're in. If you have summaries, written lore stories, or character biographies those are always fantastic also. We'd like the information to be unique, guides and things such as the Undead Catalogue on the forums are productive because they are specific to Phoenix, a guide with room data for herbs is Virilneus realm and he has a fantastic website detailing that data. Most of all we want to hear from all of you in any way you care to be involved.
I look forward to this and hope many of you are excited by this news and spurred to act on those impulses. The plan is to entertain, enjoy, and have a great time.
-Geijon Khyree