House of the Rising Phoenix - Documents

Meeting Minutes – 12/2/2003

Eorgaen, Day 2, of the Year 5103

Our first meeting of GS4 opened, in attendance was Gyldyn , Matti , Great Lady Cerridween , Benark, Errethe, Shirkon, Rosamor, Murgin.

Murgin asked those of us feeling creative to send in a ornament design for the yule tree. 15/15/15 rule applies. Ornament ideas were discussed and fleshed out. Winner recieves an alteration.[I believe the Waraxe Ornament won this year]

Hunter Ball was a success and went well.

Signs of the griffin sword saga are appearing again, people involved are having dreams

Meeting closed and those working on ornament ideas remained

Mirandabliss, House Pheonix secretary.