House of the Rising Phoenix - Documents

Meeting Minutes - 10/02/02

Jastatos, Day 2, in the year 5102

Komodai, Lauraellen, Pharg, Cerridween , Eahlstan, Borgil, Shinigami, Elidan, Cryheart, Mirandabliss, Heathyranne, Lady Shiloa, and Murgin were in attendance for this month's meeting.

Heathyranne started us off with the announcement that the next Gladiatorial Games will be this weekend, starting at 1100 Elven on Feastday, and continuing on restday (Sat and Sun). All interested in participating who were unable to make the trials are encouraged to contact Lauraellen.

Later in the meeting, Lauraellen reported that we have openings for several categories

Magic and Magic Assisted are on Saturday, Nonmagic Sunday.
You can fight up one category, as well as your own age group.

5-9 is open
10-14 is open
15-19 we have someone, but could use another to share the categories, and backup
50-59 is open
Several 110+ categories are open

Those not participating are encouraged to come and show their spirit!

Eahlstah followed with a report on the House Treasury (still in great shape!), and with a report on the Protectors.

The Protectors were involved in a minor skirmish in Solhaven this past weekend. The beasts which had been terrorizing the citizens of Solhaven have been destroyed.

During their destruction a few invaders showed up and were quickly dispatched by a combined force of Onoir, The Silver Gryphons, and the Phoenix Protectors.

Heathyranne then reported on the changes in the officer positions which have occurred in the past month:
Eahlstan and Lauraellen are inducted as officers.
Cryheart has asked to be moved to co-Treasurer, due to time commitments, so Eahlstan is the Treasurer, and Cryheart is co-Treasurer.
Murgin is moved to co-Chairman temporarily, and Jailias to co-Secretary, also temporarily. Lauraellen is now Secretary.
Heathyranne remains Charirman!

Cryheart noted the highly increased activity in prospective members over the past few weeks. He stressed the importance of all of us chipping in, particularly with enjoying house activities as an encouragement for others to join.

Be strong in our purpose!
