House of the Rising Phoenix - Great Library

Phoenix in History

The scrolls herein contain not only the history of Elanthia as passed down through the ages, but the place the great House of the Rising Phoenix has held throughout that history.

I. The Birth of the Stars
(300,000 years ago)

Over 100,000 years ago the ancient Drakes ruled all of Elanthia as they had done since the dawn of the stars and time itself. They were unchallenged, unrivaled and the masters of the land, sea, and skies. All of Elanthia was their own to look over.

The lesser races such as the Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Giantkin, and Halflings that exist today were of little importance to the mighty godlike Drakes, but they had the blessing of the Arkati's watchful gaze. The Arkati were a humanoid like race who had existed for as long as the Drakes, but were far less powerful, but they did take a liking to the lesser races, either out of lust for power, ability to corrupt, need to teach or to aid them. It is unknown as each Arkati had its own agenda, but because of this the Drakes allowed their servants fascinations to live and even prosper forging crude dwellings within caves and other places for shelter.

Either out of guidence by certain Arkati, either directly or indirectly, each race began to establish its own traits, structure and traditions.

The Dwarves were naturally drawn to the Mountainous regions of Elanith, The elves spread throughout the great forests, Humans took shelter where they could, the Giantkin tribes migrated across the plains and hills depending upon the seasons.

As time passed these races would create sub-races which would include the Hill and Mountain Dwarves, Sylvankind, Halflings and a myrid of other sub-species that relate to the lesser races at the beginning of recorded time.

Continue to Next Section:
II. The Coming of the Ur-Daemons

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