House of the Rising Phoenix - Great Library

Phoenix in History

The scrolls herein contain not only the history of Elanthia as passed down through the ages, but the place the great House of the Rising Phoenix has held throughout that history.

II. A. Ascension and the Great Schism

With that victory came a great cost, for the Drakes had been decimated and most had perished or retreated from this world. Thus the path was opened for the Arkati to assume the mantle of leadership and become the new masters of the realms.

The Arkati had long been the servants of the great Drakes and thus had been bestowed special powers themselves. Many of them used these powers to heal the lands and even walked it as teachers, healers, leaders and guides, but not all of them. Several had darker intentions for their newly acquired dominion over the world.

Thus all was not well among the Arkati for some sided with Koar and others refused to follow him, and two sides were formed. The Lords of Liabo and the Lords of Lornon.

The two groups grew further apart, as it was clear each regarded the land in a different light. Koar's faction saw it as a trust which had befallen them, the lesser races as children to be taught. The others saw the world a stage for their own manipulation, its inhabitants as playthings, food, or worse.

Open warfare never broke out between the two sides for none would challenge Koar directly, not even Eorgina. Although battles were waged in their own right via proxy and have for millenium. The battle for the night between Ronan and Sheru, The war of souls against the Goddess Lorminstra and Luukos, the war of knowledge between Lumnis and Fash'Lo'nae and the struggle of power between Koar and Eorgina.

The coming of the Ur-Daemons bestowed certain effects on the people of Elanthia because the rip in the dimension that they had come from wasn't completly closed, and some say they remain in this tear in the fabric of worlds. It came to pass that their essence was let loose into the realms and magic was given to the lesser races. Magic would no longer only be in the hands of the Drakes and the Arkati, although few could ever even hope to rival them.

Continue to Next Section:
II. B. The Arkati's Guidance

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