The Ballad of Kelfour's Landing

You see Lady Dreamweaver Oenothara the Human Bard.
She appears to be in her 60's, has shoulder length, wavy dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and fair skin.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a silvery haon-inlaid lute in her left hand.
She is wearing a silvery velvet satchel, a gleaming golden quarter note suspended from a white satin cord, a flowing twilight gray cloak tied at the hem with silk scarves of the deepest and most sensuous colors of the fiery sunset, a flowing off-the-shoulder silk blouse made of several brightly colored wispy scarves tied together in a fluttering pattern, a shimmering silk skirt made of several pieces of rainbow-hued cloth and knotted snugly at the waist with a trailing silver sash, a small silver locket, an engraved golden medallion, a xenium-threaded backpack, a red dreamstone bracelet, a glaes spider charm, and a silvery Reann ring.

Dreamweaver says, "This is called, The Ballad of Kelfour's Landing. As I sang it once, a young man asked about some of the people in the song."

Dreamweaver says, "Giving that some thought as a good idea, I decided to prepare this manner of performance and talk between the verses, naming our pioneers."

Dreamweaver says, "Remember, now, Kelfour's Landing was a place almost just like this one, which those who went before us here settled."

Dreamweaver says, "Some of these peoples names are on the very streets of our town now."

(Dreamweaver builds the music up as she begins the song.)

Dreamweaver sings:

"The boats first arrived with the tattered crew,
Refugees from some distant kingdom's doomsday.
Homeless, and hungry, from danger they flew,
And established the Landing here on the bay."

(Dreamweaver speaks over the music, looking out at you, and explains...)

Dreamweaver recites:

"Among the First, that still you will know,
Only Lady Gira and Lord Bardon remain to tend essence flows.
But Tesset, Jarik and Armand walked long ago,
They, too, helped the land to prosper and grow."

Dreamweaver sings:

"They worked day and night to secure the town
For the pioneers who would follow them here,
The walls went up, the beasts went down,
And the message was sent out loud and clear..."

Dreamweaver sings:

"Come to Kelfour's Landing,
Come to seek your fame!

And with a promise of new adventure,
The fortune seekers came,
Oh, the fortune seekers came!"

Dreamweaver sings:

"The paint was still wet on the gates to town,
When the travellers began to arrive.
Weary, and lost, from a journey afar,
They were lucky to just be alive."

Dreamweaver smiles and looks up, speaking again, softly naming those pioneers.

Dreamweaver says, "There was Slickens and Phaedra, Valeria and Zubdew,"

Dreamweaver says, "Riverwind and Valeria, first rivals, would wed too soon,"

Dreamweaver says, "And Airioch, too, long ago and then was new."

Dreamweaver sings:

"With their courage, their sweat and much blood,
They built this place into their new home.
Many a hero was made in those gone by days,
Names now faded from even the tombstones."

(Dreamweaver lifts her voice again over the music, speaking with rhythm.)

Dreamweaver recites:

"Vesitsa, a healer - Yuri, and his friend Benar,
Came along to adventure with Dort and Dagmar.
Lightning and Unum, Winter and Slaughn,
Dagger held godhood for one night until dawn."

Dreamweaver sings:

"Come to Kelfour's Landing,
Come to seek your fame!

And with nary a hope for resurrection,
The fortune seekers came,
Oh, the fortune seekers came!"

Dreamweaver smiles dramatically and leans forward, her voice carries over the music.

Dreamweaver says, "What fortunes would else there be told"

Dreamweaver asks, "Without a bard to sing them bold?"

Dreamweaver says, "The town's first performer was a talent rare,"

Dreamweaver says, "Who was called Arlie Quinn, Bard Extraordinaire."

(Dreamweaver continues on with the song, strumming on her lute with a flair.)

Dreamweaver sings:

"They forged the first trails into our own woods,
And learned magic all over again.
Without enchantments, the hunting was hard,
And death was how each day would begin."

(Dreamweaver speaks out over the beat of the music, almost chanting.)

Dreamweaver recites:

"Tulkas Gwath, the Hero walked then in the town,
And Mendle, Swiftkill, Callista, and Cyann.
Natasha and Eowynn healed near and far,
The wounds of all, silently bearing the scars."

Dreamweaver sings:

"But while they were busy and hard at work,
A dark spectre began to take hold,
Whispers of easier, of quicker ways,
Began the seduction of the Power of Olde."

Dreamweaver leans forward.

(Dreamweaver builds tension in the music, her voice grows in intensity as she speaks again...)

Dreamweaver recites:

"Deeds unknown these adventurers did,
Who stood for valor and for right made a bid.
Blumokshadavhar and Landreth, Bocca and more,
Shined light into shadows and continued Ages' war."

Dreamweaver sings:

"But Come to Kelfour's Landing,
Come to seek your fame!

And with the promise of more and more,
The fortune seekers came,
Oh, the fortune seekers came!"

(Dreamweaver strums dramatically and the music pauses as she looks up.)

(Dreamweaver almost whispers before picking the song up again...)

Dreamweaver recites:

"And Goresuch was the voice that warned!"

Dreamweaver sings:

"The Landing grew larger, day by day,
Until bursting at its seams,
And the new arrivals became the prey,
Of a new unsavory element on the scene."

Dreamweaver says, "Whispers of terror flowed like a plague,"

Dreamweaver says, "Allanon"

Dreamweaver says, "Lythe"

Dreamweaver says, "Sagan"

Dreamweaver says, "They were named."

Dreamweaver shifts her weight.

Dreamweaver sings:

"The only justice was in the streets,
With a knife, a sword or a blade,
Until the town's gutters ran with blood,
And the citizens such violence forbade."

Dreamweaver recites:

"Yuri selflessly defended the young,
Who could not stand against the Mad Mage for long."

Dreamweaver sings:

"So, Come to Kelfour's Landing,
Come to seek your fame!

And with lawlessness in the streets at an end,
The fortune seekers came,
Oh, the fortune seekers came!"

(Dreamweaver speaks faster, the music's tempo speeds up with her.)

Dreamweaver recites:

"The temple was beset with a firestorm made
When Dagmar and Valeria's feuding raged.
Then the gods stepped in, and holy spots safe
Were created to mollify the citzen's outrage."

Dreamweaver sings:

"The heroes explored and new trails they forged,
Into marvelous dangers anew,
New days to try, new ways to die,
Until someone could finally find a way through!"

Dreamweaver says, "There was Kirc and Niun, even Lord Strom once was a lad,"

Dreamweaver nods.

Dreamweaver says, "Celeborn and Kayla, and Lord Corwin's dad."

Dreamweaver says, "Lord Fxg, and Kodos, Saint and Baram,"

Dreamweaver says, "They all came to town determined to win."

Dreamweaver sings:

"And in these days of the first Lords about town,
The gods finally answered their pleas.
And on the day a worthy cleric was found,
Life into the newly dead could be breathed."

Dreamweaver recites:

"Erebor was his name who first raised the dead,
And trained up those who could then bind life's threads.
Salvius and Sindar earned many folks' praise
And with Taarna helped brighten many a dead hero's day."

Dreamweaver sings:

"Come to Kelfour's Landing,
Come to seek your fame!

And with a promise of resurrection for even a foolish death,
The fortune seekers came,
Oh, the fortune seekers came!"

Dreamweaver sings:

"The growing town did prosper and do fine,
Merchants brought in beautiful new things.
New shops opened featuring selective lines,
And the new weapon of choice, a broadsword of laen!"

Dreamweaver recites:

"Magnetron and Waldo2, yes, he has been two long,
Helped civilize the landing with Wiswraith, now gone.
Joqain practiced magic arts, Trebor made the first doppleganger
Feckly was new then, too and Zepath mapped like a ranger."

Dreamweaver sings:

"Loremasters called for help on great quests,
And the frontier was pushed further along.
The first Great Houses, Paupers to the west,
Aspis in the east and Phoenix in mid-town."

(Dreamweaver strums the lute, the music grows as surely as the town grows in the tale.)

Dreamweaver says, "Caretaker, Maruko, and Moonpie, now Lords renowned,"

Dreamweaver says, "were youthful and just coming into their power strong. "

Dreamweaver says, "Eron, Rune, Usul and other names from the past,"

Dreamweaver says, "Made strong the people of this pioneer cast."

Dreamweaver sings:

"O Come to Kelfour's Landing,
Come to seek your fame!

And knowing there was a place to belong,
The fortune seekers came,
Oh, the fortune seekers came!"

Dreamweaver sings:

"Then one day the essence was all ablaze
At the use of an Enchant True spell,
And armors, weapons were never the same,
As the mages wove their magics so well."

Dreamweaver recites:

"Lord Odds was the only mage for so long
Who could enchant the magic that was now in demand."

Dreamweaver nods.

Dreamweaver sings:

"And onto more yet dangerous tasks,
The heroes of the Landing would go.
No fear of death to hold them fast,
They wished to learn all there was to know."

Dreamweaver smiles as she recites from the roster of the pioneers...

Dreamweaver recites:

"There was Vlad and Rory, Rhys and Nastorm,
Talon and Taluk, before long the young Gilthor came along."

Dreamweaver sings:

"Come to Kelfour's Landing,
Come to seek your fame!

And with each new threat of danger,
The fortune seekers came,
Oh, the fortune seekers came!"

Dreamweaver says, "Enegue and Gallenod began to grow up strong,"

Dreamweaver says, "Whilder and Lairaerrythrok came to right the wrongs."

Dreamweaver says, "Belladonna first learned magic and Kalagay learned the blade."

Dreamweaver says, "Why even Dec's first ancestor was happy he had stayed."

Dreamweaver leans forward.

(Dreamweaver whispers loudly, That may have been the LAST time he was happy, too, with a wink.)

Dreamweaver smiles and turns deliberately, looking everyone in the eye. The music softens and slows down.

Dreamweaver sings:

"So, you've come to our little Landing here,
Hoping to make for yourself a name still.
Be welcomed and step right up,
My, but those are big footsteps you hope to fill."

Dreamweaver sings:

"Come to Kelfour's Landing,
Come to seek your fame!

Some looked like you, and some like me,
When the fortune seekers came,
Oh, when the fortune seekers came!"

Dreamweaver winks.

Dreamweaver sings:

"We came to Kelfour's Landing,
We came to seek our fame!"