The Search for the Stones of Virtue

Truekillr gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Truekillr recites:
"I will begin...."
Truekillr gazes in awe at the runes in his hand.
Truekillr says, "The Vvrael...."
Truekillr says, "The unlife...."
Truekillr says, "Death. Destruvtion."
Truekillr says, "All synonymous."

Truekillr recites:
"I will tell you of what we know of the Vvrael and the recent happenings."

Truekillr recites:
"The Vvrael come from across the veil. They have much power. Equal to that of our Arkati, Our gods."

Truekillr recites:
"Since last winter the veil has slowly weakened."

Truekillr recites:
"Many of the invasion of Arch Fiends and such are led by the Vvrael."

Truekillr recites:
"Their aim.........
Total destruction."

Truekillr recites:
"Do not underestimate their power."

Truekillr recites:
"They are Anti-mana" they have the power to destroy even the most powerful at a single touch."

Truekillr recites:
"When our arkati noticed the VVrael atempting to pierce the Veil they began their own measures to hold it strong."

Truekillr recites:
"They keep constant vigil at the Veil even now."

Truekillr recites:
"They are ALL that is keeping the world from being over run."

Truekillr recites:
"Lorminstra in her ultimate power has chosen 13 people to stand against the Vvrael as the Arkati themselves keep them from entering."

Truekillr recites:
"Two days prior the last 2 of the 13 were chosen."

Truekillr recites:
"During this time the Fourth Chosen, Terate, came to us again."

Truekillr recites:
"Terate was the fourth Chosen of lorminstra, yet the Vvrael have gotten to him."

Truekillr recites:
"The Vvrael promise power, ultimate power of the scope we can not fathom. Terate has succumb. He is now trying to convince the other Chosen to their side."

Truekillr recites:
"Two days prior I am sure you saw all of us on the isle perish time and again."

Truekillr recites:
"At that time Terate came again. "

Truekillr recites:
"He tried in vain to make the chosen join him. When they kept faith and he failed he became angry."

Truekillr recites:
"He killed EVERYONE on the isle Everyone."
Truekillr sighs.

Truekillr recites:
"Many of us decayed in order to save the masses. We failed."

Truekillr recites:
"Terate can kill with a touch. you cannot defend and cannot kill him."

Truekillr recites:
"When all of us perished and the Arch fiends began ripping our body apart a young lass appeared...."

Truekillr says, "This lass destroyed all of the arch fiends and Terate was pushed away."

Truekillr recites:
"She came because our spirits banded together in prayer."

Truekillr recites:
"She heard the girl was Lorminstra."

Truekillr recites:
"She rid the isle of the fiends and raised us that time she called the Chosen to her."

Truekillr recites:
"At this time she explained things. I will attempt to explain them to you know."

Truekillr recites:
"When the Chosen were assembled she spoke of the Vvrael and ow Terate has become so powerful as to almost unstoppable."

Truekillr recites:
"Yet she knew of a way to push the Vvrael back through the
Veil and sew it closed forever."

Truekillr recites:
"The Chosen must make it to the "top of the World" This area is near Ice Mule yet cannot be acessed yet."

Truekillr recites:
"There is to be found a shrine. A shrine to the leader of the Drakes in the Ur-daemon war. This drake pushed the Ur-daemons away and was revered for such."

Truekillr recites:
"Here is an item that can help the Chosen defeat the Vvrael."

Truekillr recites:
"The problem is...."

Truekillr recites:
"There are 6 Stones of Virtue hidden throughout the lands. These 6 Stones are needed for the Chosen to enter the Shrine. No normal person can enter this Shrine. Only the Chosen."

Truekillr recites:
"We must search for these stones with vigor! for the time is near."

Truekillr recites:
"The snows and blizzards that keep people from the Top of the World will cease in 6 days time"

Truekillr yells, "enough!"

Truekillr recites:
"Listen to me fools!"

Truekillr recites:
"If we do not find these stones we will all perish!"

Truekillr recites:
"The Vvrael are planning an attack soon. We must have the stones by then. "

Truekillr recites:
"I wish I could tell you more on how to find them. I cannot. Nor can anyone else for we do not know."

Truekillr recites:
"You will know the will know."

Truekillr recites:
"You cannot pick up a stone."

Truekillr recites:
"Physically will not be able to. You must Find a Chosen.
Only they can pick it up."

Truekillr recites:
"I will tell you the Chosen in a moment."

Truekillr recites:
"First you must understand something."

Truekillr recites:
"Do not tell anyone that you have found one. "

Truekillr recites:
"Tell only a chosen or one knowledgable of the Chosen."

Truekillr recites:
"You must tell everyone you see to search for them"

Truekillr recites:
"The number of Chosen matters not. Only the faith they hold."

Truekillr recites:
"These stones will be known to you fear not. For now I will field Questions. I will not answer a question unless I have pointed to you. Please be patient. Raise your hand please. I am only one man in a sea of curiousity"

Pset asks, "the stones are all here on the mainland?"

Truekillr points at Ishatar.
Truekillr asks, "Yes ishatar?"
Ishatar asks, "would you please list the chosen?"
Ishatar blushes a nice shade of off-pink.

Dalimar says, "ah... de chosen, well, de gods have forsaken me yet 'gain, I wish de chosen well, but I will nae involve myself"

Truekillr recites:
"I will list the Chosen after all understand the plight."

Ishatar says, "thank you"

Truekillr points at Bromos.
Truekillr says, "Yes bromos"

Saltstone says, "True you may want to list them now...lots of people may not stick around this crowd for questions" Bromos says, "what will happen if the stones are not found"

Truekillr recites:
"We will all perish."

Truekillr recites:
"I will lis tthe Chosen for those who have faith and need no question"

(Insert an accidental fogging of the entire group to north gate...)

Truekillr recites:
"Reconvene at the steps to HS please"

Lord Truekillr's group just went north.
Lord Truekillr's group just went north.
Truekillr sits down.

The Symbol of Thought begins to burn in your mind and you hear Truekillr thinking, "reconvening at the STeps again "

Demonicite asks, "Are the stones only going to be able to be found by people hunting harbingers and stuff?"

Liliea says, "did you list the chosen yet me lord"

Demonicite asks, "Are the stones only going to be able to be found by people hunting harbingers and stuff?"

Nitefallz says, "It would be courtious to let Rayvynne speak of her visons of the vvrael"

Truekillr recites:
"The Chosen are Writher, Risper, and Jala all missing Wanton, Nyte, Krakenstar, Tedra, Mithadris, Berr, Beldin, Merry, and Heathyr."

Truekillr recites:
"Terate is the thirteenth and cursed Chosen."

Skulan recites:
"'Will we have the help of the gods, Major or minor...or is it up to just us?"

Elagence asks, "Jala gone?"

Nitefallz says, "Beldin is terate"

Truekillr recites:
"Search out the Stones yourselves. I will remind you NOT to commune as it weakens the veil when you do so."

Nitefallz says, "so everyone says.."

Roekill asks, "what will the stones look like?"

Mitnagan asks, "this is no help Truekillr, how will the stone look if we do find one and how shall we search for it, if we don't know how it is different from any other stone? Do I just serach for stone everywhere I go?"

Pierat asks, "Does that apply to all communes True? or only ones about this?"

Avarond asks, "will Terate be looking for them also?"

Truekillr recites:
"Again we have 6 days till the opening of the shrine, and an unknown time till the end of the world"

Nitefallz says, "I have no place to speak, but I demand Rayvynne be allowed to speak of her visions"

Truekillr recites:
"I know this is vague but even the Goddess Lorminstra has been blocked."

Dhevish asks, "You can bet Terate will be looking for them. If they would destroy you, wouldn't you?"

Gralkor says, "to little time and to much territory to cover."

Truekillr recites:
"All Communes to any major Arkati. Spirits and minor arkatis are excluded but still be wary."

Quaedii asks, "is there a certain discription of the stones, anything special we should be looking for?"

Truekillr recites:
"You will know the stone when you see one. It is not a coral or sapphire"

Nytemare asks, "Any tips as to where these stones could be found?"

Demonicite asks, "WHERE can we hope to find these stones?"

Roekill asks, "what will it look like?"

Danyanna says, "kombat begins again, I guess...."

Shadowtip says, "M'lord True. A question."

Isaboa says, "bet its not smooth either"

Dhevish asks, "Is the stone large? I mean are we looking for a boulder? Or something small?"

Arga says, "i want to hear the vision"

Truekillr recites:
"There have been no clues given for even the Goddess is being blocked by the Vvrael."

Plur says, "If ye have any doubt at all..guess's not it."

Dafixer asks, "well, 6 stones, six days?"

Truekillr recites:
"The vision is differnt for each...and trust me you do not."

Dhevish says, "I suppose if it is small, it could even turn up on a critter."

Callistae asks, "will they be in boxes..or hidden in the lands?"

Karzak asks, "Are dese stones uf Virtue on da Isle as well er just here around tha landing?"

Shadowtip asks, "M'lord True, if you please?"

Lonwolvspirit says, "sounds like a the gods are off their rocker"

Truekillr recites:
"Let me explain further the shrine will open in six days. The stones need to be found to get into the shrine. The Vvrael have not set a time when they will attack."

Truekillr recites:
"We need the stones as soon as possible."

Nollan asks, "Where do we bring the stone if we find one, and who to give to?"

Elagence says, "only chosen can take stones"

Truekillr recites:
"The stones cannot be picked up by any other than a Chosen." Selfane says, "do we have to *search* for the stones or will they be in a room when we get there, in plain sight"

Truekillr recites:
"Find a Chosen or one knowledgable in the lore."

Halfawit asks, "and if we try to pick them up???"

Arleana asks, "will the stones be on monsters we kill?"

Arleana asks, "or in boxes?"

Demonicite exclaims, "No one knows!!"

Cairem asks, "M'lord Truekillr, I spoke with Lady Heathyr earlier this eve but this thought didna occur until recently, the stones are stone of virture correct? If so, might not a clue to their location be given from the Talisman's at Kai's Shrine? If I remember correctly, 6 of those Talisman's are inscribed with a virture, or are they merely scattered about the lands in a random fashion?"

Truekillr recites:
"I wish I could give more information on the stones. But we honestly do not know."

Shadowtip says, "M'lord True, please. A question... an intelligent one."

Truekillr exclaims, "Now yer thinkin!"

Truekillr recites:
"This is not a race with each other it is a race against time."

Skulan says, "So put simply...we mut put aside our own gains this weak and band together to search"

Truekillr recites:
"My only advice. KEEP FAITH!"

Ravenwulf says, "I thought there are eight talisman"

Archpain asks, "Shall we go to kai's shrine?"

Demonicite exclaims, "let the search begin!!"

Truekillr recites:
"Ask questions I will try to answer"

Nitefallz says, "Faith is hardly in existance anymore unfortunately"

Halfawit asks, "we dont know when the attack will come???"

Meisternicus asks, "who were the chosen?"

Mithos asks, "ahhh..I might have missed something...but how tough are these Vvrael???"

Cairem says, "There are, two of them are about Despair and another I currently canna remember."

Plur says, "Really..I have faith. mus' still be'round."

by -Lord Truekillr Strickulus.