House of the Rising Phoenix - Documents

Meeting Minutes – 9/7/2004

Imaerasta, Day 7, in the Year 5104

Members Present:
Shirkon, Mirandabliss, Guarrin, Godefroy, Rinny, Koleph, Matti, Falicor, Cryheart

Shirkon deeply says, "General Funds 125887979, Endowment 85000000, Loans Owed 0, Monthly Expenses 69500 an Monthly Cash Flow 4180500. We has a total o' 1992 membahs ats dis times."

Current events:
One of the spheres given to the Resistance in Haven in an effort to free the children deformed by Eryael was stolen by Mekthros.

The Summer splash was a HUGE success. Thanks to all who helped in planning and attended this great event.

Montly meeting times have been pushed back to 10 pm eastern.

Respectfully yours,