House of the Rising Phoenix - Documents

Meeting Minutes – 6/4/2002

Lumnea, Day 2, in the year 5102

Attendance was lean for tonight's meeting: Rothran, Jarel, Prydwehn, and myself.

After brief discussion of the challenges the Protectors are facing, we adjourned. I would like to reschedule for a time in which more can attend.

If the house is just having a quiet month, and another time is not needed, I would like for us to get together and have a house outing, whether it be to one of the neighboring towns, or a simple meeting to enjoy some time together.

If anyone out there does have an item for discussion that they wish to bring before the house this month, or any other month, please write me at, so that I can put the subject on the docket. Let's make these meetings a focal point for what is happening in our time in the lands.

Be strong in our purpose!
