House of the Rising Phoenix - Documents

Meeting Minutes – 1/4/2011

Lormesta, Day 4, in the Year 5111

House of the Rising Phoenix

Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In attendance: Geijon, Ryski, Cosannie, Shirkon, Evialla

1. Ryski, in attendace this evening, and who has completed the interview process, can be inducted as a member on Wednesday.

2. Cosannie will be away until the 22nd. of this month.

3. Financial report:
Influence Points : 38
General Funds : 154654302
Endowment : 100000000 (Maximum)
House Roster: 634

4. Cosannie discussed and gave information on a new member-run event planning group being formed up, which will be headed by Dennisa; and overseen by Cosannie.

5. Geijon discussed his recent journey to Teras, during which our members residing there were sought out and engaged in discussions about such things as members where they live, how they go about day to day activities, what interests them, and what they can offer or expect from us as a House.

Many more members were located in Teras than were expected. Geijon reports that many offered good advise and positive feedback. It was suggested that as a House, we need to agree on a focus, which can be represented by the Banner, The Torch, and the Beacon, but more info is to come with a more in-depth explanation as to the meaning of those ideals.

6. Geijon broached the idea of restarting regular House hunts, and recruiting a new hunt master, with emphasis on member-run initiative.

7. Additional ideas brought up by Geijon were a raffle; an artistic contest (stories, tales, songs, poetry, etc.) with a performance event tie-in; and lending aid and support to Sunfist brethren.

8. Shirkon discussed being approached at the Solstice Ornament Hanging by some of the other houses, who plan to contact us about assisting in some future events.

9. The state of the Gladiator games arena was discussed, and Shirkon has stated that Xynwen is still working on getting the arena.

10. Members were encouraged to come to our Library regulary for fellowship and to assist each other. Recent visitors have been Aurla, casting spells, and Shmickle opening boxes.

11. Cosannie gave information on a planned visit by members of Onoir, during which House leaders will have the opportunity to discuss the House and give tours.

12. Shirkon reminded us of the soon upcoming 20th Anniversay Celebrations, beginning the 26th of next month. Our commemorative item has been submitted, and Xynwen is creating it. The carousel, unfortunately, will not be completed in time.

13. Geijon has offered to give a lecture on the Unlife.

14. Much work has been done, and continues to be done, on our House website, and all are encouraged to browse and contribute material.