House of the Rising Phoenix - Great Library

Phoenix in History

The scrolls herein contain not only the history of Elanthia as passed down through the ages, but the place the great House of the Rising Phoenix has held throughout that history.

IV. The Undead Wars
(20,000-5000 years ago)

The elven empire spanned the known world, and ruled for nearly 30,000 years. They believed none could threaten them. Until the coming of Despana.

Nobody knows just who or what Despana was not even the loremasters. It is believed that she came from the jungles said to lie beyond the Southron Wastes. She searched the land for the old places of the Ur-Daemons. Somewhere in what is now called Rhoska-Tor, her quest succeeded when she found the Book of Tormtor. The book was lost during the events which followed, so none can now be sure of its contents. It was said to be written in the language of the Daemons.

Using this ancient work, Despana created the first of the Undead using the power of the Unlife and the Ur-Daemons. Their numbers grew rapidly, and she soon had a vast horde of them to serve her. Their first task was to build the great keep of Maelshyve, where Despana took residence. From this keep, countless hordes of the Undead began their second task - the conquest of Elanthia. They were led by the arch-lich Dharthiir, who was said to be more than simply Despana's General.

Dharthiir commanded many of the living, as well. Entire tribes of orcs, drawn by promises of conquest and plunder, swore fealty to him. They brought with them their traditional allies, the trolls. Many humans, too joined Darthiir's horde. Some came for silver, others to join any foe of the elves.

The hordes struck first at the elven nations. Their progress was lightning fast, easily destroying what little resistance they met in the outlying provinces. The leaders of the elven houses were unable to organize any real defense. This was not due to a lack of means, but a lack of leadership. Each Elven House wished the glory of vanquishing the Undead for themselves, and none would consent to have their troops led by another to defend their territories.

"Thousands of them! Ghouls, zombies, and worse, all blackened and half-rotten. They poured into the valley, an endless horde of screams, blood and stink. Now, we were all veterans of the orc wars, and we were ready for them.. But nothing could have prepared us for the banshee."

-Warrior of the Dusk Mountain Clan,
By Rhak Toram,Survivor of Maelshyve

Within a month, the Undead had cut a swathe to the heart of the elven empire, threatening Ta'Vaalor itself. The Vaalor were led by Taki Rassien, wielder of the legendary veil-iron sword Aramier, and the greatest warrior of his time. He took the cream of the Vaalor armies to make a stand at the fortress known as ShadowGuard. With him went the Sabrar, a legion of elite knights that had never known defeat. Taki knew that, at ShadowGuard, the Vaalor would stop the horde.

The battle of ShadowGuard lasted less than one day. The Undead destroyed the entire garrison, leaving fewer than a score of survivors. The elite Vaalor armies had been lost, along with Taki himself. At the time, this was considered the greatest defeat in the history of the elven empire.

Although Shadowguard was a devastating blow to the elven nations it also signified a great turning point in the wars. The sabrar had been decimated, but Despana's General Dharthiir was never heard from again. Tavern-tales hold that, at the last, Taki led the Sabrar in a charge at the heart of the undead army, and that he slew the lich. As none of the Sabrar survived the battle, this confrontation remains more legend than history. This may have been a final blow to the elven nations since it made them realize their folly. After the destruction of Shadowguard the Elven Houses sought help in vanquishing the armies of Despana. From Kalaza, the dwarven overking sent legions of his heavy infantry. The Giantman Warmaster ordered each of the tribes to support the elves. There were even small bands of halflings and sylvankind. Lastly, humans came to fight with the elves. Some were mercenaries or glory seekers, but others came for nobler reasons.

Realizing something drastic must be done the Faendryl, having researched powerful spells that would be usable against Despana, concocted a dangerous plan, attack Despana's heart at her keep, Maelshyve. They claimed that their magic was unbeatable and that the victory would be a success. The allied generals and leaders pressed to know more about this secret power, but the Faendyrl refused, another sign of their ignorance at the time. Hesitantly their allies banded together out of desperation and hope that this would end the war. The allied armies then made their assault on Maelshyve, the ranks of giantmen, elves and dwarves managed to wedge an opening through Despana's forces, but Despana would not be denied. Unleashing her more powerful minions, the undead souls of elven women, the banshees riped through the elven forces and their allies. Falling back and retreating against the unslaught of Despana's minions the Faendryl then struck.

Using dark arcane magics outlawed by their kind they unleashed something far worse then even Despana could have conjured. Lesser Demons and horrors not ever seen before erupted from the ground and appeared in the skies. Assaulting and slaying Despana's forces and actually causing them to retreat within the keep itself.

The Faendryl then unleashed their final spell. Drawing from space they manipulated the fabric of the etheral plane and caused a tear to appear and enclosed around Maelshyve causing it to fall upon itself and thus Despana was utterly destroyed along with her forces.

Continue to Next Section:
V. The Age of Chaos

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