Great Library

Phoenix in History

The scrolls herein contain not only the history of Elanthia as passed down through the ages, but the place the great House of the Rising Phoenix has held throughout that history.

VII. A. Lythe's Banishment

The beast within Lythe had not been stopped, it was only resting. His sole mission became to destroy the Unlife and its followers. He again set upon the members of the Council with a fervor. Rune Arundel, a famous ranger, was slain in Erebor's Square by an unknown assailant. Laeg Caernach was set upon in Castle Darkstone. Another such event took place near the base of Melghorns Reach and Sagan would recount the relentlessness of Lythe's assaults. What set this all off? Perhaps a letter posted in town square from Laeg.

"Wake up!! Members of the Council of Light do not serve the undead unwittingly. We are not so thickheaded. We know our services will aid the cause of the undead. We also know that our services will ultimately be rewarded... In the end we will all die."
-Laeg Caernach

Wisraith and Maruko again tried to talk Lythe into stopping what he was doing, but he refused saying that he was doing the right thing. It became evident that Lythe was either using Phoenix as an end to a means, he had become maddened by his hate for the Unlife and it blinded him, or he had been lost to the very Unlife he opposed himself. A few would speculate the Unlife was using him as a tool to garner souls more quickly. It's unresolved entirely, but what happened would teach those of the lands and the House of the Rising Phoenix an important lession.

Lythe continued his attacks, even joined by his wife, Kaoti. He was focused and consumed by what he called a War and he'd not be stopped by laws, authorities, or his enemies. After Lythe murdered Laeg in Darkstone he was interviewed by local authorities and he responded, "I slew Laeg because he embraced the Shadow, stated he would work to further the Unlife and that he would corrupt others if he could," He then continued, "I do not believe that I have committed murder; I believe what I have done is right and just, and that all who wish Life to prosper must join in the battle against the Unlife and those who serve it."

In the end it would come from within his own group to stop Lythe, his name was Maruko Ashmine. Maruko threw Lythe out and expelled him from the House of the Rising Phoenix in shame. Wisraith and Maruko knew that Lythe had been lost and this was the only way to cut him away from the House that he had broken every rule it was created to uphold.

"In fact, the very highest ~Graduates~ of the organization are given the power to annhiliate themselves at will in service to the Unlife."
-FxG Lyons

It is theorized that this banishment struck Lythe harder then any weapon or spell could and perhaps he then realized the travesty of the crimes he had commited. He had attacked the innocents of those the Cult had tricked and cursed their souls, but rather than redeeming them his attacks and killings were actually feeding the Unlife many more souls and with a speed that they delighted in. In the end Lythe L'Green, the Green Mage, The Mad Mage, lost his own soul to the demonic. It would be a harsh, dark message and a lesson that would reverberate forever.

Continue to Next Section:
VII. B. Reaffirmation of Purpose

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