House of the Rising Phoenix - Great Library

Phoenix in History

The scrolls herein contain not only the history of Elanthia as passed down through the ages, but the place the great House of the Rising Phoenix has held throughout that history.

V. The Age of Chaos
(20,000-5000 years ago)

The war brought an end to Despana, but it had a much more devastating affect then was hoped for. The elves continued in their strife and the refusal to unify caused a great division of the Houses and the ultimate decay of the elven empire.

The Dwarves and Giantmen, both being stubborn in nature began squabbles, which some years later would erupt into war. But, there was still hope, for not all was lost and some veterans who had within them a dream sought to make that dream come true.

Humans have always been one of the more sturdy races in their ability to survive. Due to their short life spans they often burn brightly, if only for a short period of time. Thus, those of human blood were able to rebuild and even grow in this troubled time and many human settlements sprung up all throughout Elanthia, while Dwarven, Giantman and Elven races, normally the more slow producing, struggled. This is how it came to be that humans rule over much of the lands today, due to their ability to grasp and maintain a foothold in many walks of life.

During the age of Chaos, many wretched creatures, undead and other horrors roamed the lands, often wiping out entire settlements of all races without notice. Perhaps the creations of Despana, or with the fall of the Elven nations there was less Order within the world we know and thus the beasts freely roamed and stalked their prey, often times that prey being the humanoids that inhabit Elanthia.

It was rumored during this same time, that Kalaza had fallen. If that is true it is still largely unknown, but rumors and some traders have spoken of the Dwarven Kingdom and perhaps it is not so, but it is largely rumor and legend to this day. It was believed that the entire kingdom was overcome by the Red Rot, but some may have survived and have since reclaimed the great undermountain city.

The age of chaos was also a time of great expansion and building, out of necessity and in order for the lesser races to protect themselves. The fall of the elven empires, or at least their retreat eastward, opened up chances for those deemed savages in the past, to expand their own lands, be it by necessity, fear of Despana returning and thus fleeing or the natural tribal movements of several races.

Many large cities and towns sprang up around this time and remain today. In a sense this was much like a Cataclysm, which caused a change in the landscape within the world and it did thus. With the Elven nations withdrawn much of life in all races and walks of life changed, even that of the elves themselves were reshaped and reformed once again.

What these survivors had to overcome is amazing it itself. Trolls, orcs, goblins and all manner of tribes that had mustered themselves to murder, pillage and kill walked the lands in mass. Dark plagues and locusts would sweep over colonies killing every soul in a one-hundred mile radius. Thunderous storms and hurricanes wracked coastal cities. Blizzards and cold that never dissipated reigned over the cold regions and rains and winds that could tear trees and entire forests from the grounds came often without warning. Yet the people persevered.

There were many dangers that lurked in the dark corners of the world and sometimes they came out from their dwellings and for each city that managed to survive perhaps three were destroyed, yet many did not become disheartened for these were still the survivors and family of those who suffered under Despana and they knew what darkness that had been previously unleased against them and they strove on, continuing to build and actually prosper.

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VI. The Fourth Age, Modern Era Elanthia

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